Wonder Through Movement Battle

04.12 - 04.12 12:00

Riga, Latvia, Dāga rīkotie batli, k-3 zālē
Hip Hop 1vs1
All styles 1vs1

Host- Dags Zvirgzdins
Dj- Sound Paradise
And real proud of this judge to come to Baltics for first time - Forge Iotaspirit

-Hip Hop 1vs1- Preselection round is 45 seconds, then Judge chooses the best for battles.
- All style 1vs1- Preselection round is 45 seconds, then Judge chooses the best for battles.
All battles will be at least two rounds, where one round is free but other one will be with a theme.
Before battle you will pick a paper with written concept/theme/word, for example water;lines;floorwork.
You can use this in any way you understand it.
All rounds will have no time limit, so you can Wonder Through Movements!

Registration is open!?
Link https://docs.google.com/.../1wKbGYx_GKhONoh...

Before 15. november you can get discount! One category- 10€
Two categories- 15€
after 15. november
One category- 15€
Two categories- 20€
Spectator fee- 8€

First time for this event, so share and give some love!

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